
The Irish TImes - Books for Summer

The Irish TImes have chosen 'Leonard and Hungry Paul' by Ronan Hession as one of their books for summer. It has also been selected on the UK Parliamentarians reading list for summer too.

Deirdre Shanahan will be at The Greenwich Book Festival on Saturday 15th June talking about her debut 'Caravan of The Lost and Left behind in an event about 'The sense of place.'

Ronan Hession will be at Forum Books in Corbridge on Sunday 16th June from 10am signing and reading from his debut 'Leonard and Hungry Paul.' He will be at Drake Bookshop in Stockton at 1pm too, signing and reading from his book.

Ronan Hession interview on BBC Radio 2

Ronan Hession, author of Leonard and Hungry Paul, was interviewed on BBC Radio 2 by Ricky Wilson, lead singer of The Kaiser Chiefs. Ricky was standing in for the shows host Jo Whiley. You can hear the interview in the link below and Ronan comes in on 33 mins. The book was chosen for the BBC 2 Radio Book Club and there are some lovely comments from a book club based in Suffolk. As one of them says. 'Do not trust anyone who doesn't love this book.' We love readers, they are the best critics.

Here is a beautiful piece in The Irish Times by Ronan on why he wrote his novel, Leonard and Hungry Paul.

We launched the book at Hodges Figgis in Dublin and it was a cracker.

Thanks to Stephen and all the booksellers who made it such a spectacular night. Leonard and Hungry Paul is now in The Bestseller Charts at No.2.

Leonard and Hungry Paul - BBC Radio 2 Book Club Choice

March is a busy month with the launch of Leonard and Hungry Paul by Ronan Hession at Hodges Figgis, the 250 year old and world famous bookstore in Dublin, on Wednesday 20th March at 6pm. Ronan will be reading and chatting about his debut. You are all cordially invited. Rick O'Shea, the RTE radio presenter has chosen the book as his fiction book of the month for his Book Club, which is the biggest book club in Ireland.

The other cracking news is that the BBC Radio 2 Book Club have also chosen Leonard and Hungry Paul as their book for Spring. Ronan is being interviewed by Jo Whiley on Monday 18th March from 7.30pm, so please do tune in and hear Ronan reading and chatting about his book. We will put up the link after the show so those who couldn't manage to listen live, can hear the interview.

The UK launch of Leonard and Hungry Paul will be at the brilliant Book Corner, in The Piece Hall, Halifax on Friday April 5th at 7pm. Wine, food and wonderful company, so please do bob along and hear Ronan read and speak about Leonard and Hungry Paul.

BBC Radio 2 Book Club

The BBC Radio 2 Book Club, hosted by Jo Whiley, have chosen LEONARD AND HUNGRY PAUL by Ronan Hession as as their title for March 2019., which is absolutely brilliant news. You will be able to hear Ronan read form his novel and the interview live on Radio  2 Monday 18th March from 7pm to 9pm.

Marvellous and congratulations to Ronan.

A New Beginning.

Happy New Year readers.

2018 was an absolutely stellar year for everyone at Bluemoose. Harriet Paige was short listed for a first novel award for her debut MAN WITH A SEAGULL ON HIS HEAD, which has just recently been published in North America and THE GALLOWS POLE by Benjamin Myers won The WALTER SCOTT AWARD. Ben has moved on to Bloomsbury with his next book THE OFFING which I think is his best to date, so all the best Ben with your new publisher. Seeing an author leave is always tinged with sadness but as he lives in the next town, we'll meet up for a brew and some cake and have a natter. Bloomsbury have licensed Ben's back list from us so they will be publishing THE GALLOWS POLE in February 2019, and BEASTINGS AND PIG IRON in August 2019. We sold the rights for SO THE DOVES by Heidi James, which will be published this spring in the USA and Canada and A MODERN FAMILY by Socrates Adam has has just been published in France. We had loads of great reviews including our first mention in The New York Times of RAISING SPARKS by Ariel Kahn.

The first three books this year are .

1.LEONARD AND HUNGRY PAUL by Ronan Hession - Launching at HODGES FIGGIS in Dublin , March 20th at 6pm

2. CARAVAN OF THE LOST AND LEFT BEHIND by Deirdre Shanahan - May 31st - Launch in London tbc.

3. THE MOSS HOUSE by Clara Barley - July 30th - Launching at Shibden Hall , Halifax.

We have lots of events coming up and I will keep you all posted.

Many thanks, Kevin, Hetha, Leonora and Lin.


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